Order a paperback copy of Visible from the Surface of the Moon from Amazon here. You can read it. This link takes you to the print version. Above, the picture will get you to the Kindle version. The print one is better because I made the cover myself. The cover is one of the two best parts.

Visible from the Surface of the Moon

by Scott Boyan

I think everyone would benefit from reading this book. I'm not just saying that because I wrote it, I'm saying it because it is a universally applicable story of what can happen when you get what you wish for. The idea is something that we've all experienced, that a lot of times the dream is more fun than the realization of the dream. This book doesn't get enough credit. It's a classic of American literature for the 21st Century.

Out of Misery

by Scott Boyan

This one, I'm not sure you're old enough for. Or, if you're old, I think maybe you're probably too old. This is a collection of short stories and they will pull you in so many directions that you won't know whether you arrived yet or just left. You have to be a special kind of weirdo to appreciate these stories. You're probably up to the challenge though since you Googled me. I guess in that sense you're halfway there. You might as well go for it.